Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: August 5, 2024
One of them once told me there were twelve divisions in their caste. We had near us at Ranee Khet a little colony of Dhobees, washermen, whom I visited now and then. I observed some huts were built separate from the rest, and I asked the reason. The man to whom I was speaking, for his class an intelligent man, expressed his surprise I did not know the reason.
Mother has your photographs. I cannot see if Jessie is as pretty as her picture; but how thin your legs are, Brian, like my dhobees. Uncle Hugh, do tell me why do dhobees always have thin legs? Father doesn't know." Uncle Hugh was one of those very discreet people who never attempt a reply to children's questions.
The Dyers Brigade Would find employment in dyeing our cloth, or the various sorts of thread we might require for the use of our weavers. The Dhobees Brigade Although among our community we should encourage every one to be his own dhobee, yet from the first we should have plenty of washing to employ a considerable number of hands.
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