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"Of course they are not so good as deer-sinews for the purpose," remarked Bladud, stringing one of the bows and fitting an arrow to it, "but we must be content until we kill a deer or some other animal. Perhaps we shall have an opportunity soon."

"Can it be," she would think, "that the story White Mink told me before I was taken from her, is true? Am I truly a white child, and is she not my real mother?" Then the little captive would touch the baby's sock fastened by a cord of deer-sinews about her waist and next to her flesh. "It is safe," she would whisper to herself, "and no one here has discovered it not even The Stone.

Of course he found the first string broken, but that did not break his heart, for he had a good supply of spare strings, and if these should fail well, there were plenty of deer-sinews in the land. It was soon put to rights, and, leaning his back against the wall, he began to tickle the strings gently.

Their bows and arrows were elegant in shape and color: the former stained in a variety of patterns, sometimes carved, and wrapped as well as strung with deer-sinews; the latter headed with nicely cut pieces of a black obsidian which abounds in the vicinity of Shasta Peak, and which of itself is an unerring test of the original volcanic character of the mountain.