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The young mandrill ceased spontaneously after a time to act in this manner towards his master, von Fischer, but continued to do so towards persons who were strangers and to new monkeys. A young Cynopithecus niger never acted, excepting on one occasion, in this way towards his master, but frequently towards strangers, and continues to do so up to the present time.

Cynocephalus hamadryas, sexual difference of colour in. Cynocephalus leucophaeus, colours of the sexes of. Cynocephalus mormon, colours of the male. Cynocephalus porcarius, mane of the male. Cynocephalus sphinx. Cynopithecus niger, ear of. Cypridina, proportions of the sexes in. Cyprinidae, proportion of the sexes in the. Cyprinidae, Indian. Cyprinodontidae, sexual differences in the.

The only quadrumanous animal in the group is the curious baboon-monkey, Cynopithecus nigrescens, already described as being one of the characteristic animals of Celebes.

The more characteristic species are as follow: Cynopithecus nigrescens, a curious baboon-like monkey if not a true baboon, which abounds all over Celebes, and is found nowhere else but in the one small island of Batchian, into which it has probably been introduced accidentally.

But the habit with adult animals is connected to a certain extent with sexual feelings, for Von Fischer watched through a glass door a female Cynopithecus niger, and she during several days, "umdrehte und dem Mannchen mit gurgelnden Tonen die stark gerothete Sitzflache zeigte, was ich fruher nie an diesem Thier bemerkt hatte.