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It is the capital and port of the surrounding district; and, though the climate is hot, it is remarkably healthful. The site is a stretch of shore facing Mona Channel, between Cape Borinquen and the Rio Culebrinas.

MELENDEZ Y BRUNA, D. SALVADOR. Puerto Rico. Representation of the Governor of the Island to the King. Cadiz, 1811. NAZARIO, D. JOSÉ MARÍA. Guayanilla y la historia de Puerto Rico. Ponce, 1893. PÉREZ MORIS, D. JOSÉ, Y CUETO, D. LUIS. Historia de la insurrección de Lares. SAMA, D. MANUEL MARÍA. El desembarco de Colón en Puerto Rico y el Monumento de Culebrinas, Mayaguez, 1895.

The Columbian insurgents attempted a landing in 1819 and another in 1825, but were beaten off. Aguáda, or rather the mouth of the river Culebrinas, which flows into the sea near it, is the place where Columbus landed in 1493. The fourth centenary of the event was commemorated in 1893 by the erection, on a granite pedestal, of a marble column, 11 meters high, crowned with a Latin cross.

Their submission gave the Spaniards the dominion over that part of it watered by the Culebrinas and the Añasco, and over the northeastern district in which Ponce had laid the foundations of his first settlement. The inhabitants of the southern and eastern parts of the island, with those of the adjacent smaller islands, were still unsubdued and remained so for years to come.

Aymamón, the cacique whose village was on the river Culebrinas, near the settlement of Soto Mayor, had surprised a lad of sixteen years wandering alone in the forest.

He was in a pitiful plight, and fell in a swoon when he crossed the threshold of the house. Being restored to consciousness, he related to the Spaniards present what was going on near the Culebrinas, and they sent a messenger to Capárra at once.

"In this settlement," says Oviedo, "there were so many mosquitoes that they alone were enough to depopulate it, and the people passed to Aguáda, which is said to be to the west-nor'-west, on the borders of the river Culebrinas, in the district now known as Aguáda and Aguadilla; to this new settlement they gave the name Sotomayor, and while they were there the Indians rose in rebellion one Friday in the beginning of the year 1511."