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The Pygmy people in the jungles represent to-day a small survival from the past, but a survival of curious interest, pushed aside by the torrent of conquest. Also pushed on by these waves of Bantu conquest, moved the ancient Abatwa or Bushmen. They are small in stature, yellow in color, with crisp-curled hair.

I can't tell you any particular news, except this, that that old cat down at Castle Quin, the one with the crisp-curled wig, must have the nose of a dog and the ears of a cat and the eyes of a bird, and she sends word to Scroope of everything that she smells and hears and sees. It makes not the slightest difference to me, nor to you I should think. Only I hate such interference.

Tall and stately were the trees, towering aloft, nodding slumberously in the gentle wind; fair were the flowers lifting glad faces to their sun-father and filling the air with their languorous perfume; yet naught was there so comely to look upon as Beltane the Smith, standing bare-armed in his might, his golden hair crisp-curled and his lifted eyes a-dream.

His face grave and of a saturnine cast but the features fairly regular. His complexion sallow but clear and without blemish. His hair rather too long but dark and crisp-curled. His brow a little too prominent but high and broad. His eyes dark and soft but well-opened and direct. His nose a little too short to please me but otherwise well-shaped.