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The stable door, when he tried to close it softly, shut with a spiteful clatter, and even the snow gave forth a sharp, crunching sound such as he had never heard before. But he must keep on, for to remain would be to see the plump, brown body of poor Crippy on the Thanksgiving dinner table, while to go on would be, at the worst, but a few hours' discomfort, with Crip's life as the reward.

Now a moonlight promenade on the snow, in the morning, with the thermometer several degrees below zero, was not at all to Crip's liking, and he scolded most furiously in his goose dialect, but he took good care to run after his master at the same time. As Mrs.

The stable door, when he tried to close it softly, shut with a spiteful clatter, and even the snow gave forth a sharp, crunching sound, such as he had never heard before. But he must keep on, for to remain would be to see the plump, brown body of poor Crippy on the Thanksgiving dinner-table, while to go on would be, at the worst, but a few hours' discomfort, with Crip's life as the reward.

Now a moonlight promenade on the snow, in the morning, with the thermometer several degrees below zero, was not at all to Crip's liking, and he scolded most furiously in his goose dialect, but he took good care to run after his master at the same time. As Mrs.

Farmer Dickson and three neighbours were comparing bottles of Dr. Crip's Celebrated Healing Mixture. "Anyhow," said one, "I'll swear his nibs sold me this ez a cure fer pip in chickens." "And he told me this was a dead sure cure fer corns 'n' ingrowin' toe-nail," ejaculated another. "I bought this bottle fer me diabetes," explained Coleman. "He said it ud root out diabetes in nine hours."