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"We must get my factotum, Clarke, here to-morrow," so ran my thoughts, "to clear away that rubbish, and try a little bold transplanting; late hollyhocks, late dahlias, a few pots of lobellias and chrysanthemums, a few patches of coreopsis and china-asters, and plenty of scarlet geraniums, will soon make this desolation flourishing.

One of the unfair irrationalities of love is that it may, at first, be attracted by the defects of the beloved, and later repelled by them. Maurice loved Eleanor for her defects. Once, when he and Edith were helping Mrs. Houghton weed her garden, he stopped grubbing, and sat down in the gold and bronze glitter of coreopsis, to expatiate upon the exquisiteness of the defects.

"That's the old shaft of the 'Coreopsis," Dayton remarked. "So it is," said Jones. "Harry de Luce went down on the rope the other day." "How do you do it?" asked Mr. Fetherbee, much interested. "Hand over hand, I suppose; or else you just let her slide. De Luce went down like a monkey." "He must have come up like a monkey! I don't see how he did it!"

One day, after breakfast, he sought out Mary again in the garden. She was snipping Coreopsis for the dinner table, but she did it absently, and Jerome noted the heaviness of her eyes. "What's the trouble?" he asked, abruptly, and she was shaken out of her late constraint. She looked up at him with a piteous smile. "Nothing much," she said. "It doesn't matter. I suppose it's fate.