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I thought you were really going to tell me something about your troubles. But I see you are hoaxing me. I remember when you were at Madame Conquilla's you always seemed to be full of fun, and the young ladies there said you were a great rogue." "But this is not fun; indeed it is not," rejoined Flora. "I am a colored girl."

As the lady led the way into the parlor, she said, "What is that you have in your hand, my dear?" "You used to admire Madame Conquilla's shell-work," replied Flora," and I have brought you some of mine, to see whether you think I succeed tolerably in my imitations." As she spoke, she took out a small basket and poised it on her finger. "Why, that is perfectly beautiful!" said Mrs. Delano.

After tea, as she and Rosa were sitting alone in the twilight, her sister, observing that she was unusually silent, said, "What are you thinking of, Mignonne?" "I am thinking of the time we passed in Nassau," replied she, "and of that Yankee lady who seemed to take such a fancy to me when she came to Madame Conquilla's to look at the shell-work. "I remember your talking about her," rejoined Rosa.

She looked up with quick surprise, and recognized a lady she had several times seen in Nassau. "And it is really you, Señorita Gonsalez!" said the lady. "I thought I knew your voice. But I little dreamed of meeting you here. I have thought of you many times since I parted from you at Madame Conquilla's store of shell-work. I am delighted to see you again." "And I am glad to see you again, Mrs.