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Several times on our journey down Hampton could not resist some reference to Chapelle for commercializing the profession, remarks which sounded strangely old on his lips. Chapelle's office, we found, was in a large building on Fifth Avenue in the new shopping district, where hundreds of thousands of women passed almost daily.

At last Doctor Chapelle himself appeared, a rather handsome man with the manner that one instinctively feels appeals to the ladies. He shook hands with young Haynes, and I could detect no hostility on Chapelle's part, but rather a friendly interest in a younger member of the medical profession. Again I was thrown forward as a buffer. I was their excuse for being there.

Or, substantially in the English language: Let no one be surprised, If she should be advised Of the virtue most renowned In Plato to be found: For, counting up her age, She lived, 'tis reason sound, With that great personage. Ninon had no rancor in her heart toward any one, much less against an unsuccessful suitor, hence she only laughed at Chapelle's effusions and all Paris laughed with her.

"If there's anything you or he can do to bring Virginia out of this anything safe I want it done," she emphasized. Cynthia was silent as we left. Evidently she had not expected Doctor Chapelle's name to be brought into the case. We were lucky in finding Doctor Haynes at home, although it was not the regular time for his office hours.

A neighbor told me she had been to the college hospital, had been one of Doctor Haynes's cases, but that he had turned her over to his son. I've seen Hampton Haynes here, too." There was an air of sincerity about Chapelle's words. But, then, I reflected that there had also been a similar ring to what we had heard Hampton say. Were they playing a game against each other?