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They seem made to be sung, and trip off the tongue with a lilt and grace which are irresistible. This hymn is interesting as shewing how completely Chaitanya is by his followers invested with the attributes of, and identified with, K.rish.na; it has no other special merits; nor anything specially interesting from a philological point of view as it is nearly all Sansk.rit.

It was the new vaishnava faith of the Nuddea reformer Chaitanya which led to the composition of the first Bengali prose. The Brahmans and the Mohammedan rulers alike treated Bengali though "it arose from the tomb of the Sanskrit," as Italian did from Latin under Dante's inspiration as fit only for "demons and women."

The Charitamrita veils the priority of Adwaita adroitly by stating that it was he who by his austerities hastened the coming of K.rish.na in the avatar of Chaitanya. Ch. I. vi. Thus in Sanskrit verses at the head of that chapter which sings the virtues of Adwaita: by in the Bengali portion of the same chapter it is asserted that Adwaita was himself an incarnation of a part of the divinity, e.g.

There, in the capital of the last of the Hindoo kings, beside the leafy tols or colleges of a river port which rivals Benares, Poona, and Conjeeveram in sanctity, where Chaitanya the Vaishnaiva reformer was born, Carey might have attacked Brahmanism in its stronghold. A passage in his journal shows how he realised the position.

Sore sickness and a sense of sin led him to join the Kharta-bhojas, one of the sects which, from the time of Gautama Buddha, and of Chaitanya, the reformer of Nuddea, to that of Nanak, founder of the Sikh brotherhood have been driven into dissent by the yoke of Brahmanism.

In adopting this illustration of his principle, Chaitanya followed the example of the Bhagavad Gita and the Bhagavat Pura.na, and he was probably also influenced in the sensual tone he gave to the whole by the poems of Jayadeva.

Joyfully the Vaish.navas came to the feast: "to-morrow will be the joy of the great festivity, there will be the enjoyment of the singing Sri K.rish.na's sports, all will be filled with delight." The merits of the assembly of the devotees of Sri K.rish.na Chaitanya singeth Brindaban Das.

Brindaban Das and Parameshwar Das were contemporaries of Chaitanya, the others including Gobind Das, who is perhaps the most voluminous writer of all are subsequent to him. Of the hymns themselves the first five are invocations of Chaitanya and Nityanand, and one is in praise of the ceremony of Kirtan. There is nothing very remarkable in any of them.