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Tulkinghorn takes a small key from his pocket, unlocks a drawer in which there is another key, which unlocks a chest in which there is another, and so comes to the cellar-key, with which he prepares to descend to the regions of old wine. He is going towards the door with a candle in his hand when a knock comes. "Who's this? Aye, aye, mistress, it's you, is it? You appear at a good time.

He had coals down- stairs, but had never been to his cellar; however the cellar-key was on his mantelshelf, and if he went down and opened the cellar it fitted, he might fairly assume the coals in that cellar to be his.

And on his complaining that he is so troubled, it takes hold of the troublesome lady and shuts her up in prison under hard discipline. Turns the key upon her, mistress." Illustrating with the cellar-key. "Truly?" returns mademoiselle in the same pleasant voice. "That is droll! But my faith! still what does it matter to me?" "My fair friend," says Mr.

Give him five years and two dozen lashes. Scarcely had the court resumed its wonted aspect of business, scarcely had the prisoner again been asked to plead, when a shrill voice shattered the stillness. 'My lord, the key found in the prisoner's possession is my cellar-key. This time the bold interrupter was Mrs. Thompson, the Bearded Woman.

When the cloth was removed, he flung the cellar-key at my head, and exclaimed, in a burst of unexampled good-humor: "Basil, you dog, fetch up a bottle of the particular port!" Now it is one of my theories that a man's after-dinner talk takes much of its weight, color, and variety from the quality of his wines. A generous vintage brings out generous sentiments.