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As the evening wore on, the loungers gathered in several circles, and the raconteur held sway. The fact that we were in a country in which game abounded suggested numerous stories. The delights of cat-hunting by night found an enthusiast in each one present. Every dog in our memory, back to early boyhood, was properly introduced and his best qualities applauded.

Some days, which did not come often, when theft brought no plunder, the three companions were compelled to work in the Campillo del Mundo Nuevo, scattering heaps of wood and gathering it together with rakes after it had been properly aired and dried. Another of the Society's means of subsistence was cat-hunting. All he needed was a sack and a stick and he did famously.

'Alured is no maniac for fishing, luckily, Lady Bude was saying. 'To-day he is cat-hunting. 'I regret it, said Merton; 'I profess myself the friend of cats. 'He is only trying to photograph a wild cat at home in the hills; they are very scarce. 'In fact he is Jones Harvey, the naturalist again, for the nonce, not the sportsman, said Merton.

Fox-hunting, hare-hunting, rabbit-hunting, cat-hunting, rat-catching, badger-baiting all wild, seasonable, and legitimate sports followed; and the chairman having run through his list, and thinking Jorrocks was getting rather mellow, resolved to try the soothing system on him for a subscription, the badgering of the morning not having answered.