United States or Montserrat ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Men were carrying along the whole frontier the news that the war had begun, that the death struggle was now on between Mexico and Texas, the giant on one side and the pigmy on the other. But the ride of the four in the trail of Castenada's flying troop was peaceful enough. About three hours after midnight they stopped under the shelter of some cottonwoods.

He laughed, threw his torch on the ground and stamped out the light. "I felt that sooner or later someone would come upon Castenada's track," he said, "and you see that I was not wrong." He smiled again. Ned's impression was distinctly favorable, and when he glanced at Obed and the Ring Tailed Panther he saw that they, too, were attracted. "Who are you, stranger?" asked Palmer.

Although it was early autumn the days were still very hot at times and Castenada's men were certainly taking their ease. Ned could see many of them enjoying the siesta, and through a pair of glasses he saw others lolling luxuriously and smoking cigarettes. It was especially irritating to the Ring Tailed Panther, who grew very red in the face but who now only emitted growls between his shut teeth.

The man seemed to swell and his eyes darkened. He was like some formidable beast about to spring. The boaster was ready to make good his boast. "Run down to the other ford, Ned," said Palmer, "an' tell the men there that the Mexicans are at hand." Ned did his errand, but returned very quickly. He was anxious to see the advance of Castenada's troop.