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Everything'll give Cashe's a wide berth in a norther. But I'll let it scream a few times every ten minutes. That'll be often enough to warn off any craft within hearing." The last red embers of the sunset died out, and from horizon to horizon the sky was ablaze with stars. Even the boys, wet, hungry, and exhausted, could not be blind to such magnificence. "Good evening to study astronomy, Perce!"

"Running in to Boothbay from Cashe's with a load of herring. The gas exploded and set her on fire. We tried to put it out, but it was no use. Just got clear with our lives and what we stood in." "Anybody hurt?" "Couple of men got their faces burnt, but not very bad. Lucky it was no worse. But the old schooner's gone.

"Cashe's Ledge!" he shouted. "Sixty miles south of Tarpaulin! That's drifting some since yesterday afternoon. Must be less than a mile to leeward or we couldn't hear it against this gale." Nearer and nearer, louder and louder, sounded the melancholy note, just west of south. Both boys strained their eyes. "I see it!" cried Percy, triumphantly. "There rising on that swell! Almost astern!

"Runs fast, doesn't it?" said Percy. "Yes; it's the ebb out of Fundy. Comes piling down over Cashe's at a two-knot rate. When the flood begins it'll run just as hard the other way. That's what makes the shoal so dangerous. There's only from four to seven fathoms over the ledge at low water, and that's little enough in a storm." "Were you ever down here before?"

It took some lively work to save the schooner and themselves. They got sail on her just in time to skin by the end of the breaker. Uncle Tom's been out in some pretty bad storms, but he's always said the time he parted his cable on Cashe's was the closest shave he ever had. See that shark!" Ten yards off, just under the surface, appeared the glittering outlines of a great fish.