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Her little flashes of humor at dinner had not brightened things, and she had had an insane desire to turn cartwheels round the room, so implacable and highly strained was the attitude of the master of the house, so unctuous was the grace and the thanksgiving before and after the meal.

Speaker, I am in favor of cartwheels and temperance. Or, like a boy I knew, who tried to declaim the speech beginning: 'Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears! and who got so badly confused on the first line that he said, 'I'd like to borrow your ears!"

The line of our route to this river described no great detour, and the trees being marked, as also the ground, by the cartwheels, Mr. Finch could have no difficulty in following our track THUS far. We were now however to turn from a northern, to a western course, and I accordingly explained this to Mr. Finch in a letter which I deposited in a marked tree, as arranged with him before I set out.

Among the presents were two circular plates of gold and silver, as large as cartwheels the value of the silver wheel was estimated at five thousand pounds, that of the gold one at fifty-five thousand. The Spaniards were astounded at this display of treasure, and delighted at the prospect it opened to them.