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When Jerry went in the store, Mr. Bartlett was waiting on a tall woman with a blue scarf over her head, and Bill, the clerk who put up orders, was tossing groceries into cartons, each carton for a customer. Jerry had to wait while the woman with the blue scarf decided what she would have for Sunday dinner. It seemed to take her a long time to make up her mind.

He could see that a rocket shoot might provide the opportunity to commit the theft, and he could see how use of a radar van might get the stolen goods off the base. But the thief had carefully emptied cartons, leaving the cartons as camouflage. That took more time than any thief would have. He considered various ways in which it might have been done and rejected them all.

But never underestimate the power of a UFO. In June the big flap hit they began to deliver clippings in big cardboard cartons. The Big Flap It had taken six months to put the plan into effect, and to a person who has never been indoctrinated into the ways of the military, this may seem like a long time.

Newspapers, cartons, wooden boxes everything we could find went into the voracious maw of the stove. We tended it as religiously as priestesses at an altar, or as primitive men building up a fire to keep off wild animals. Only under such conditions does one fully experience that elemental worship of fire. It literally meant life to us.

"If you gentlemen will perform the operations as I do, this will take only a short time." There was a crackling in the room as cartons were opened. Power packs and headbands rattled against the table for a moment, then Bond continued. "Having plugged in the power pack, you turn this small knob very slightly in a clockwise direction, then place the headband on your head.