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Yas, sah, Cap't Barranton, dat's what it looked lak, fo' sho." "Does that tally with your impression of it, Frank?" asked Captain Hazzard. "Yes, sir, Rastus has put it very well. It was more like an automobile headlight than anything else."

Two others were hurt in the arm by one of the people's pieces going off accidentally after the engagement. The poor Cap't of the privateer was wounded in the arm and the bone fractured, one negro boy killed, & others wounded. He was fitted out last November at the Havanah, proceeded to S't. Augustine, & while on our coast early in the spring took several vessels.

The people on board were busy in fishing, of which they caught an abundance; but some of the hands who eat of the fish complained that they were poisoned by them. Wednesday, 23d. At 6 P.M. the master of the ship came on board to return thanks to our Cap't for his kind assistance, & offered him anything he might have occasion for.

Calm weather, with thunder & rain. Brave living with our people. Punch every day, which makes them dream strange things, which foretells good success in our cruise. They dream of nothing but mad bulls, Spaniards, & bags of gold. Examined the papers of the sloop, & found several in Spanish & French, among which was the condemnation of Cap't Stocking's sloop. Friday, 2nd.