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Whether they're Campo's men or Salazar's, or just a wanderin' bunch of rebels or Rojas's bandits. Sabe, senor?" Not one of the men was able to translate the garbled scrawl. "Shore Mercedes can read it," said Ladd. Thorne opened a door and called her. She came into the room followed by Nell and Mrs. Belding. Evidently all three divined a critical situation.

With a sign he commanded his co-conspirators to flank the desk at each end, while he kept Cosmo covered with his pistol. But with a lightning movement, Cosmo dropped under the desk, and, favored by his slight form and his extreme agility, darted like a cat past Campo's legs, and, almost before the latter could turn round, was out of the open door.

The men named stepped forward with some evidences of embarrassment, and Cosmo gravely gave them seats beside him. Then he commanded that the prisoners should confront the jury, and, heavily guarded, they were led to the front. The brutishness of Campo's face had never struck the passengers who had seen him before as it did now. He looked a veritable jailbird.

Cosmo, who had informed himself of all the circumstances from Waters, and by privately questioning the others, had satisfied himself that the entire scheme of the mutiny was of Campo's contrivance, and that they had been led into it solely by his persuasion and threats, ordered Waters to speak. The seaman told a straight story of what he had heard and seen.