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He also imparted to our camp-fire circle much information about the different species of that celebrated animal the llama or "camel-sheep" of Peru, which proved extremely interesting, not only to the old hunter-naturalist, but to the "mountain-men," to whom this species of game, as well as the mode of hunting it, was something new.

As they issued from the hut, a singular and interesting scene presented itself to their eyes. At one view one coup d'oeil they beheld the whole four species of the celebrated camel-sheep of the Andes; for there are four of them, llama, guanaco, alpaco, and vicuña! This was a rare sight, indeed.

Perhaps no animal of South America has attracted so much attention as the llama, as it was the only beast of burden the Indians had trained to their use on the arrival of Europeans in that country. So many strange stories were told by the earlier Spanish travellers regarding this "camel-sheep," that it was natural that great interest should attach to it.

As they issued from the hut, a singular and interesting scene presented itself to their eyes. At one view one coup d'oeil they beheld the whole four species of the celebrated camel-sheep of the Andes; for there are four of them, llama, guanaco, alpaco, and vicuna! This was a rare sight, indeed.

Thompson began his narrative as follows: "When Pizarro and his Spaniards first climbed the Peruvian Andes, they were astonished at seeing a new and singular species of quadrupeds, the camel-sheep, so called from their resemblance to these two kinds of animals.

Perhaps no animal of South America has attracted so much attention as the llama, as it was the only beast of burden the Indians had trained to their use on the arrival of Europeans in that country. So many strange stories were told by the earlier Spanish travellers regarding this "camel-sheep," that it was natural that great interest should attach to it.