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They abound in the late summer meadow, and hundreds of them may be captured by a few sweeps of a butterfly-net among the grass.

I think it rather bores my respected parents-in-law. At any rate, 'Dogeetah' spends a lot of his time wandering about the New Forest, which is near by, with a butterfly-net and trying to imagine that he is back in Africa. There is a small lake in the Rectory grounds in which is a little island.

Acting on this broad hint they all rose and scattered in different groups the professor going off ahead of his party in his eager haste, armed only with a butterfly-net.

You love to run and race over the Downs with your butterfly-net and hunt "chalk-hill blues," and "marbled whites," and "spotted burnets," till you are hot and tired; and then to sit down and look at the quiet little old city below, with the long cathedral roof, and the tower of St.

Shmoke her tinderly wid honey-dew, afther letting the reek av the Canteen plug die away. But 'tis no good, thanks to you all the same, fillin' my pouch wid your chopped hay. Canteen baccy's like the Army. It shpoils a man's taste for moilder things." So saying, Mulvaney took up his butterfly-net, and returned to barracks. May no ill dreams disturb my rest, Nor Powers of Darkness me molest.