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He knew, in short, that Cyrus Browett as one of his congregation on a Sabbath morning would be a mere atom in the plastic cosmos below him; whereas Browett by himself, with the granite hardness of his crag-like face, his cool little green eyes unemotional as two algebraic x's would be a matter fearfully different.

"And of course it would hardly do to announce that I had counselled a certain procedure of divorce and re-marriage no matter how flagrant the abuse, nor how obvious the spiritual equity of the step. People at large are so little analytical." "'Flexible, Mr. Browett told his sister you were. He was right you are flexible, Allan more so than I ever suspected."

Yet, though the young rector regarded Browett as but one of many, he knew infallibly the instant that invisible wire was strung between them, and felt, thereafter, every tug of opposition or signal of agreement that flashed from Browett's mind, knowing in the end, without a look, that he had won Browett's approval and even excited his interest.

He, Allan Delcher Linford, was absolving and remitting the sins of a man whose millions were counted by the hundred, a god of money and of power who yet cringed before him out there like one who feared and worshipped. Nor did he here make the mistake that many another would have made. Instead of preaching to Cyrus Browett alone preaching at him he preached as usual to his congregation.