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"Even one of the smaller rewards would buy us a mule." "Who is offering them?" asked Winn. "The Government offers the first, Sheriff Riley the second, and the third is offered by some one named Brickell. 'W. Brickell, the bills are signed. I saw them up at the printing-office, but they are being distributed all over the place."

Neither did he see that the boy was accompanied by the printer who had furnished his reward notices, and who now pointed in his direction, saying, "That's him there. That's Mr. Brickell." At the same moment Sabella exclaimed, "Oh, Winn, here's Bim! Isn't he a dear dog?" Then she too caught sight of Billy Brackett, and pulling Cap'n Cod by the sleeve, whispered, "There he is, uncle.

Among the captives was a lad named John Brickell, who, though at first maltreated, and forced to run the gauntlet, was afterwards adopted into the tribe, and was not released until after Wayne's victory.

I call on you to say if I have not been a father to you, if I have not used you as a father would a son." "You have used me as well as a father could use a son," said Brickell. "I am glad you say so," Whingy Pooshies returned. "You have lived long with me; you have hunted for me; but your treaty says you must be free.

Then, as though moved by a single impulse, Winn started towards Billy Brackett to ask him if his name was Brickell, Cap'n Cod stepped up to express his heart-felt gratitude for what he had done the evening before, and Sheriff Riley moved towards Winn with the intention of arresting him.