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He was erect and complete, there was a strange stealth glistening through his amiable, almost happy appearance. Gudrun rose sharply and went away. She could not bear it. She wanted to be alone, to know this strange, sharp inoculation that had changed the whole temper of her blood. The Brangwens went home to Beldover, the wedding-party gathered at Shortlands, the Criches' home.

He was silent in chagrin. They had talked and struggled till they were both wearied out. 'Tell me about yourself and your people, he said. And she told him about the Brangwens, and about her mother, and about Skrebensky, her first love, and about her later experiences. He sat very still, watching her as she talked. And he seemed to listen with reverence.

But she resented being in the position when somebody might do it to her. Hermione, very remarkable, and distinguishing the Brangwens very much, led them along to where Laura Crich stood receiving the guests. 'This is Mrs Brangwen, sang Hermione, and Laura, who wore a stiff embroidered linen dress, shook hands and said she was glad to see her.

Since he had danced he was happy. But Gerald would talk to him. Gerald, in evening dress, sat on Birkin's bed when the other lay down, and must talk. 'Who are those two Brangwens? Gerald asked. 'They live in Beldover. 'In Beldover! Who are they then? 'Teachers in the Grammar School. There was a pause. 'They are! exclaimed Gerald at length. 'I thought I had seen them before.