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That the Bosjesman, native of Coronna, native of Namacqua, Caffree, native of Tamaka and of Ebo, belong to the savage nations of Africa, of which but little is known, who are of a black colour, and go with very little clothes on them, because the country is so warm. From the lesson supposed to be at No. 12 lesson-post, a good deal of information may be given.

Was he a Caucasian, or a Mongolian, a Negro, a Malay, or a Bosjesman? this last being an effigy of man so abominable that no race that I have heard of will include him even as a lodger in the parish settlements! Mark! what a sameness, and yet what an infinite variety, there is in all the operations and purposes of Nature!

Sprinkle food before a delicate-eared bird: there is nothing he would more willingly take, yet he keeps aloof, because of his sensibility to checks which to you are imperceptible. And one man differs from another, as we all differ from the Bosjesman, in a sensibility to checks, that come from variety of needs, spiritual or other.

Some coloured lads were exquisitely graceful, and composed beautiful tableaux vivants, after Murillo's beggar-boys. A poor little, very old Bosjesman crept up, and was jeered and bullied. There was something shocking in the timidity with which he took the plate of food I gave him, and in the way in which he ate it, with the WRONG side of his little yellow hand, like a monkey.

Goodchild, with a party of other Lunatics and one Keeper, the express incarnation of the thing called a 'gent. A gentleman born; a gent manufactured. A something with a scarf round its neck, and a slipshod speech issuing from behind the scarf; more depraved, more foolish, more ignorant, more unable to believe in any noble or good thing of any kind, than the stupidest Bosjesman.