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"They were nearly up to the bend, and Len was feeling desperate, when he saw a boot-mark half-way down the bank on the other side. He was over like a shot the creek was very shallow and there were tracks as plain as possible, leading down to the water! "You can bet they went on then! "They caught him a bit farther up. He heard them coming, and left his swag, so's he could get on quicker.

You see here on the sill is the boot-mark, a heavy boot with the broad metal heel, and beside it is the mark of the timber-toe." "It is the wooden-legged man." "Quite so. But there has been some one else, a very able and efficient ally. Could you scale that wall, doctor?" I looked out of the open window. The moon still shone brightly on that angle of the house.

Some were near the sea, with the foot pointing to the shore; and amongst these Jack thought he could distinguish the boot-mark of Francis. My wife wore very light boots also, which I had made for her; they rendered stockings unnecessary, and strengthened her ankles.

Jean and I followed with the pack straps across our foreheads and the provisions on our backs. Godefroy brought up the rear with the bark canoe above his head. At one place, where we disembarked, M. de Radisson traced the sand with the muzzle of his musket. "A boot-mark," said he, drawing the faint outlines of a footprint, "and egad, it's not a man's foot either!" "Impossible!" cried Jean.