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NIÑO, a child. NOETE, the north wind; see p. 21. OLLA, a boiling-pot. PASADIZO, a passage; see p. 231. PASEO, a public promenade. PASO, a kind of amble; see p. 163. PATIO, a court-yard, especially the inner court of a house. PATIO-PROCESS, method of extracting the silver from the ore, so called from its being carried on in paved yards; see p. 92. PATRON, a master, landlord.

An hour before dressing it put it into cold water for an hour, which improves the color. If the pork is purchased ready salted, ascertain how long the meat has been in pickle and soak it accordingly. Put it into a boiling-pot, with sufficient cold water to cover it, let it gradually come to a boil, and remove the scum as it rises.

When they invite a stranger to dinner, they boil a whole sheep in a large boiling-pot; then tear up the flesh, mix it with crumbled bread, and serve it up in wooden bowls. Two persons eat from one bowl, dipping their hands into it, and licking up their food like dogs. The meal is finished by eating melons. These coarse manners suit such fierce and wild creatures as the Toorkmans.