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Trapes, summoned to the front door by a feverish knocking, presently came back followed by Tony, whose bright eyes looked wider than usual as he saluted the company. "Hey, Geoff, me tell-a you piece-a da-noos!" he cried excitedly, "big-a piece-a da-noos. Da cops go-a pinch-a Bud-a M'Ginn'!" "Bud? Bud?" stammered the Spider. "Have they pinched Bud? Is this the straight goods, Tony?"

After a time, however, we managed to release him and all his five helpers two dead, as I say, and Matt badly cut about the head and seriously injured, while Jimmie, the imperturbable, was but little the worse for a brick mark on one shoulder. He was more or less frightened, of course, and comic to look at, even in this dread situation. "Big-a smash," he exclaimed when he recovered himself.

Each time I patted her on the back when we started off and chortled: “Hey, Lucia, da big-a, da fat-a!” Lucia would giggle again, and that is all we would have to say. Except one night Lucia pointed to the moon and said, “Luna.” So I make the most of knowing that much Italian. Oh yes, Lucia and I had one other thing in common.

But as a matter of fact Lucia does know two other words. Once I ironed a very starched nightgown. It was a very, very large and gathered nightgown. I held it up and made Lucia look at it. Lucia snickered. “Da big-a, da fat-a!” said Lucia. Mrs. Reilly let out a squeal. “She's learnt English!” Mrs. Reilly called down the line. “And,” I announce, “I'll teach her 'da small-a, da thin-a.”