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The expression on his face would have won a jackpot on a bob-tailed flush. But I was in position to call his bluff. His cards were on the table face up. "I merely repeated his own words in his own tongue: 'Den selben Hut haben wir gehabt. Letzes Jahr haben wir sechzehn und ein halb den Dutzen bezahlt. Das ist sehr billig. "'Hier, dake a seecar on me, said Alex, offering me a smoke.

"Am Rhein habe ich gehort dass viel bezahlt wird fur...." "Take 'em away! Semmes, you go and tell General Jackson all Europe's here. Mean you to go? Of course I don't mean you to go, you thundering idiot! Always could pick Caesar out of the crowd. When I find him I obey him, I don't send him messages. ! ! They've developed sharpshooters.

They both examined the hat, and Alex said in German to Morris: 'Den selben Hut haben wir gehabt. Letzes Jahr haben wir sechzehn und ein halb den Dutzen bezahlt. Last year we paid sixteen and a half a dozen. "Then Alex turned to me he was a noted bluffer and said in English: 'Hefens alife! Nine tollars! Vy, I pought 'em last year for sefen and a half! "I never saw such a bold stand in my life.

It seemed to be thought a dainty beverage, but our scruples against it remained, and I cannot say what its effect upon the drinkers might be. Perhaps it had properties as a "sweet, oblivious antidote" which rendered necessary the placard we saw in the café of the little Hôtel Chillon: "Die Rose blüht, Der Dorn der sticht; Wer gleich bezahlt Vergisst es nicht."