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It was now only half-past six and the Ball was not until half-past nine, but Mr. Mumphit, the be-curled, the be-scented young assistant from the hairdresser's in the High Street had paid his visit very early because he had so many other heads of so many other young ladies to dress in Polchester that evening.

'If Madame had only stayed at Orvieto! murmured Marie the maid, looking back at the city and then at her mistress. Eleanor smiled faintly and tapped the girl's hand. 'Rassure-toi, Marie! Remember how soon we made ourselves comfortable at the villa. Marie shook her much be-curled head.

By the time she arrived and had been admitted to the inner chamber or dressing-room, the Princess had thrown off her more cumbrous finery, and sat at ease in an arm-chair. She nodded her be-curled head, and said, "You can keep a secret, little Woodie?" "I can, madam, but I do not love one," said Anne, thinking of her most burthensome one. "Well, no need to keep this long.

Still, the Puritan magistrates, omnipotent as they were, did not dare to force the be-curled citizens to cut their long love-locks, though they instructed and bribed them to do so. John Eliot hated long natural hair as well as false hair. Cotton Mather said of him, in a very unpleasant figure of speech, "The hair of them that professed religion grew too long for him to swallow."