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And that is especially supported by the divisions of the juridical assumptive mode of investigation.

He would double and evade as long as possible, but if he found there was no escape, he would turn and tear and fight to the last extremity. "Mr. Rutherford, that is rather ground of an, of an what shall I say? of an assumptive nature on which to make such an accusation, and I am not obliged to deny every charge which you may be pleased to make against me." "Pardon me, Mr.

But to take many weighty common topics both from the cause itself, if there is any opportunity for employing the language of indignation or complaint, and also from the advantage and general character of the law, will be not only allowable, but proper, if the dignity of the cause appears to require such expedients. XXIV. At present let us consider the assumptive portion of the juridical inquiry.

As to forms of expression, these may become the subject of controversy, when they are either ambiguous, or contradictory. As the kinds of causes are so few, the rules for the invention of arguments must be few also. The topics, or common places from which those arguments are derived, are twofold, the one inherent in the subject, and the other assumptive.