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And we must remember that whilst the vigorous imagination of the north was delighting itself in creating a stately dreamland, where it strove to blend, in a grand world-picture always harmonious, though not always consistent the influences which sustain both the physical and moral system of its universe, an undercurrent of sober Gothic common sense induced it as a kind of protest against the too material interpretation of the symbolism it had employed to wind up its religious scheme by sweeping into the chaos of oblivion all the glorious fabric it had evoked, and proclaiming in the place of the transient gods and perishable heaven of its Asgaard that One undivided Deity, at whose approach the pillars of Walhalla were to fall, and Odin and his peers to perish, with all the subtle machinery of their existence; while man himself immortal was summoned to receive at the hands of the Eternal All-Father the sentence that waited upon his deeds.

No account of a cricket match or a football triumph could present a finer appeal to boys and girls than the description of the Peacestead in the "Heroes of Asgaard": "This was the playground of the Aesir, where they practiced trials of skill one with another and held tournaments and sham fights.

Silent and all unmoved by the wind they stood, sharp and brittle as of virgin ore not trees of earth, but the glorified forests of All-Father Odin's paradise, the celestial city of Asgaard. No living forms of vegetation are so lovely.

In bygone ages, beyond the Scythian plains and the fens of the Tanais, in that land of the morning, to which neither Grecian letters nor Roman arms had ever penetrated, there was a great city called Asgaard.

Enclosed by such a dazzling frame the picture of Drontheim shone with a magical lustre, like a vision of Asgaard, beckoning to us from the tempestuous seas.