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She said little indeed almost nothing, of her aerial voyage to the East, except that she had enjoyed it, and that the Pyramids and the Sphinx were dwarfed into mere insignificant dots on the land as seen from the air, she had apparently nothing more to describe, and Lady Kingswood was not sufficiently interested in air-travel to press enquiry.

Here were mounted two of the six machine-guns that comprised Nissr's heavier armament; and here, too, were hung a dozen of the wonderful life-preservers combination anti-gravity turbines and vacuum-belt, each containing a signal-light, a water-distiller and condensed foods that, invented by Brixton Hewes, soon after the close of the war, had done so much to make air-travel safe.

But just as he and Babs had never been conditioned to be afraid of animals, they had been conditioned by air-travel at home and space-travel to here against alarm at movements of their surroundings. Temblors were evidently frequent at this place. Trees were anchored against them as against prevailing winds in exposed situations. Landslides did not remain poised to fall.

This is why magic, which treats the other elements as its servants, bows before space, and has to call such a purely independent contrivance as a broomstick to its help in the matter of air-travel. The witches faced each other on their little unstable sanctuary in the kingdom of space.

A visionary, Viscomte Melchior de Vogué, had already foreseen the prodigious development of air-travel. All the young people of the time longed to fly. Guynemer, studying the new invention with his customary energy, could hardly do otherwise than share the general infatuation. His comrades, like himself, dreamed of parts of airplanes and their construction.