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Had he put in less she could not have felt the pang till too late, but she recovered and never forgot that peculiar smell that means such awful after-pains. More than that, she was ready thenceforth to fly at once to the herbal cure that Nature had everywhere provided. An instinct of this kind grows quickly, once followed.

The action of vomiting in like manner ceases, and is renewed by intervals, although the emetic drug is thrown up with the first effort: so after-pains continue some time after parturition; and the alternate pulsations of the heart of a viper are renewed for some time after it is cleared from its blood.

More frequently, but in quite the same way, we find that nursing causes uterine contractions in the early part of the lying-in period, when they are called after-pains. Women who experience them tell us they are more severe while the infant nurses; and they also say that the discomfort disappears after several days, a fact which indicates that involution has made notable headway.

I. The first common and usual accident that troubles women in their lying-in is after-pains.

After-pains are caused by the same physiologic process that causes labor pains namely, by the contractions of the uterus. After the first confinement the after-pains are, as a rule, not severe; attention to the regular emptying of the bladder and bowels also lessens the severity of the after-pains; these pains seldom last after the second day. The Lochia.

I did so, and there found Francoise who, in her curiosity to know what the marker indicated, had begun to read the clinical account of these after-pains, and was violently sobbing, now that it was a question of a type of illness with which she was not familiar.

The necessity of this action explains the contractions which continue even after the placenta has been expelled, when they are vigorous enough to cause discomfort they are spoken of as "after-pains." After-pains seldom follow the birth of the first child, but they regularly follow later confinements.