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You have heard of the feast that old AEgir once made for the Asa-folk in his gold-lit dwelling in the deep sea; and how the feast was hindered, through the loss of his great brewing-kettle, until Thor had obtained a still larger vessel from Hymer the giant.

Then my father cried for help to the Asir, bidding Aegir take the altar as full sacrifice; and when we had done so we waited for a chance as a long wave foamed past us, and launched the boat fairly on its back, so that she seemed to fly from our hands, and was far astern in a moment. Now we looked to see her make straight for the breakers, lift on the first of them, and then capsize.

Then old AEgir's brow grew dark, and his breath came quick and fast; and, had not Niord held the winds tightly clutched in his hand, there would have been a great uproar in the hall. Even as it was, the mermaids fled away in great fright, and the white-veiled Waves stopped dancing, and a strange silence fell upon all the company. "Some enemy has done this!" crier AEgir, as soon as he could speak.

Then there was the giant Aegir, who brought in squalls from the sea, and made whirlpools in the fiords." "Why, that is like Nipen." "Very like Nipen; perhaps the same. This god Balder was the sun. Then there were the three magical women, the Fates, who made men's lives happy or miserable.