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A wise man should not through clemency overlook the insolence of the vulgar, otherwise both sustain a loss, for their respect for him is lessened and their own brutality confirmed: When thou addressest the low with urbanity and kindness, it only adds to their pride and arrogance. In a season of drought and scarcity ask not the distressed dervish, saying: "How are you?"

Furthermore God spake to Moses, saying, "When I appeared unto thee the first time, thou wast meek, and didst hide thy face, not to see the vision. Whence cometh now this effrontery of thine, that thou addressest Me as a servant his master? Thou speakest too many words by far.

If, indeed, I am a Kshatriya, I have, for thee, been deprived of all the rites of a Kshatriya. What enemy would have done me a greater injury? Thou hadst never before sought my good as a mother should. Thou addressest me today, however, desiring to do good to thyself. If, therefore, I go today unto the Parthas, who is there that would not regard me as doing so from fright?

See, we two will take the weaker side. Now then, let us begin again." "Insolent!" cried the Orsini. "Knowest thou him whom thou addressest thus arrogantly? I am Martino di Porto. Who art thou?" "Walter de Montreal, gentleman of Provence, and Knight of St. John!" answered the other, carelessly.