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'Dost thou think me a fool, to come here to discuss the science of religion, and to be put off with a game of chess? "'Then thou acknowledgest thyself beaten; thou hast said thou couldst play chess, yet thou darest not measure thy skill at it with me. Thy refusal proves thy lie. "'Nay, then, since thou takest it that way, I will consent to a match, but under protest.

"Nay, thou shalt not brawl me out of my powers of argument," said De Valence, laughing, and helping himself to a brimming cup of wine; "if thou acknowledgest thyself conquered, I am contented to give the victory to the inspiring strength of the jovial liquor." "Do as thou listest," said De Walton, "but make an end of an argument which thou canst not comprehend."

Because it pleased him, O Son, to set that in the middle among all souls, as a reward to strive for. Tat. And where hath he set it? Herm. And he commanded him to proclaim these things to the souls of men. Dip and wash thyself, thou that art able, in this Cup or Bowl: Thou that believeth that thou shalt return to him that sent this cup; thou that acknowledgest whereunto thou wert made.

'There are demons on earth, answered the Nazarene, fearfully, 'as well as there are God and His Son in heaven; and since thou acknowledgest not the last, the first may have had power over thee. Glaucus did not reply, and there was a silence for some minutes. At length the Athenian said, in a changed, and soft, and half-hesitating voice.