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Haritûn's inability to pay his debts subjected him to a second imprisonment; but as his cup increased in bitterness, his resolve was the more firmly fixed, never to deny his Lord and Saviour. His spotless reputation, and his meekness in suffering, procured for him many friends, even among the Mohammedans.1 1 Missionary Herald, 1846, pp. 219-223, 366.

Martial laments the death of a favourite slave girl v, 34 and 37. The pages of Pliny are full of the spirit of kindliness to slaves. See Tacitus, Annals, xiv, 42 ff. Suetonius, Claudius, 25. The interesting letter of Pliny, viii, 16; and cf. iii, 14, and v, 19. Juvenai, vi, 219-223. Spartianus, Hadrian, 18. Gaius, i, 52 ff. Cf. Ulpian in Dig., 1, 12, 1 and 8.

The sum was 500,000 sesterces. Their paramours were beaten to death. A full account of the Vestals will be found in Aulus Gellius, i, 12. Quintilian, vii, 3, 27: ad servum nulla lex pertinet. On the rare instances when a slave could inform against his master in a public court, see Hermogenianus in Dig., v, 1, 53. Gaius, i, 52 ff. Gaius, iii, 222. Cf. Juvenal vi, 219-223, and 474-495.