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Leaning against a tree, and staring interestedly into the billiard room, was Johnson. That was Saturday night, two weeks after the wreck. The previous five days had been full of swift-following events the woman in the house next door, the picture in the theater of a man about to leap from the doomed train, the dinner at the Dallases', and Richey's discovery that Alison was the girl in the case.

When she looked out again, her eyes dry and burning, he was riding slowly along the trail toward town. It was the beginning of the end. Winter passed, with horses abandoned for the delights, swift-following, of dinner and dance and house party. These affairs made deep inroads upon Helen's time, and so Pat was left pretty much to his own reflections.

The first wave of sudden joy which surged through me was short-lived in the face of the swift-following conviction that the one who fought below was already doomed. Luck and only luck it must have been which had permitted that first shot to lay low one of the savage creatures, for even such a heavy weapon as my pistol is entirely inadequate against even the lesser carnivora of Caspak.

She told him of her birth, those strange circumstances which her aunt had told her of, and which now, in her own cold words, sounded so like a fairy tale. She told him of her father and her father's friend, the man who had always been his evil genius. She told him of her father's sudden good fortune, and of the swift-following disaster.