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He had sent a decoy chaise on the Merton road, and driven furiously to Sundale, counting on the coast being clear. I waited not, however, to hear more, but left her in Mrs Wickham's arms, and rode on hither." "Brother, you are weary famished!" cried Mrs Darcy, ever considerate. "Are we to have no thought for you, who have had so much for us?

We alighted from the post-chaise at Sundale for a night's rest, and ordered a light repast, with tea for me, and that heady ale which I could wish my Admiral would renounce, both on account of his increasing weight and his tendency to inflammatory gout. But you are not now to learn that it is vain to remonstrate with gentlemen where the pleasures of the table are concerned.

So valuable is manly presence of mind in such emergencies! Nothing, however, transpired. Time advanced, and Mrs Darcy requested we would remain. The shades of night darkened, and still no news. I readily understood her deplorable appearance at the Sundale inn on hearing her story. Fatal indeed, Sophia, are the steps of female error, and how impossible to be retrieved!

The door was flung open and in rushed Mr Wickham disordered with speed and riding, but recognisable to me as the handsome, dissipated-looking man we had seen at the inn at Sundale. He seized Mrs Darcy's almost lifeless hand and cried: "Courage, Ma'am! She is safe. She is with Mrs Wickham at Sundale, and the miscreant fled." How is it possible, Sophia, that I should describe the scene that ensued?

I waited not to hear more, but called for my horse, and in regimentals, as you see me, rode at full speed for Sundale, where Mrs Wickham was awaiting me for the Sundale Steeplechase, that being the nearest way here." Mrs Darcy pressed his hand, but was still unable to speak. He proceeded: "It was now almost dusk and she pressed a little necessary refreshment on me in the inn parlour.