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Prepimpin went through his repertoire with the punctilio of the barrack square deprecated by Bakkus. "I buy him," said Andrew. "Viens, mon ami." Prepimpin cast an oblique glance at his old master. "Va-t-en," said the latter. "Allons" said Andrew with a caressing touch on the dog's head. Prepimpin's topaz eyes gazed full into his new lord's. He wagged the tuft at the end of his shaven tail.

He could no longer catch the lighted cigar and swagger off with it in his mouth, across the stage. "And yet, I'm sure," writes Lackaday, "that every time I cut his business, it nearly broke his heart. And it had come to Prepimpin's business being cut down to an insignificant minimum. I could, of course, have got another dog. But it would have broken his heart altogether.

He lunched, saw to Prepimpin's meal, smoked the cheap cigar of content, and then, crossing the noisy little flagged square, went through the gates, Prepimpin at his heels, and made his way across the dusty road to the bridge. The work-a-day folk, on that week-day afternoon, had all returned to their hives in the town, and the pathways of the bridge contained but few pedestrians.

The afternoon had sped with magical rapidity. He reflected that not only must he dine, but he must think over and rehearse the evening's performance with Prepimpin's part cut out. He dared not improvise before the public. He rose with the apologetic explanation "My little Elodie," said he, as they walked along the battlemented city walls towards the great gate, "have courage.

Andrew leaned over the parapet, finding rest in a mild melancholy, his thoughts chiefly occupied with the decay of Prepimpin who sat by his heels gazing at the roadway, occupied possibly by the same sere reflections. Presently the flea-catching antics of a ragged mongrel in the middle of the roadway disturbed Prepimpin's sense of the afternoon's decorum.