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True it is that certaine souldiers being better husbandes then the rest, and hauing made some prouision of mast, solde a little measure thereof for fifteene and twentie sous vnto their companions.

This dothe the sonne for the father, and the father for the sonne, as the Grekes kepe their birthe daies. These are also sayde to be verye iuste dealers, and their wiues to be as valeaunt and hardie as the husbandes. Suche haue the maners of the Scithians bene.

But if there ware any in whom there happened neither commendacion of beautie nor wit, but onely bare honestie: for her bestowyng was there a meane found, by waie of deuocion, as we terme it when we signifie a respecte of holines in the diede. So that in processe they alwaie founde husbandes, and the commune wealthe a diminishyng of charge.

In the first year of his reign, the Statute of Laborers of Elizabeth was confirmed, as well as that against rogues and vagabonds; the ninth act of his first Parliament was "To restraine the inordinate hauntinge and tiplinge in Innes and Alehouses," and, indeed, much of his legislation is aimed at what should properly be called "sins" rather than "crimes"; the next act after this was one to restrain "all persons from Marriage until their former Wyves and former Husbandes be deade."

To master Aretine after this, once more verie dutifully I appeald, requested him of fauour, acknowledged former gratuities, hee made no more humming or haulting, but in despite of her husbandes kinsfolkes, gaue her her Nunc dimittis, and so establisht her free of my companie. Beeing out, and fully possest of her husbandes goods, she inuested mee in the state of a Monarch.

Which thyng was aftrewarde also taken by of the communes: so that at lengthe it was thought vnmiete to haue feawer wiues then seuen. It was also a goodlie thyng for a woman to haue many husbandes: and to be without fiue at ones, was compted a miserable state.

"As long as Edwarde rules thys lande, Ne quiet you wylle ye know; Your sonnes and husbandes shall be slayne, And brookes with bloode shall 'flowe. "You leave youre geode and lawfulle kynge, Whenne ynne adversity; Like me, untoe the true cause stycke, And for the true cause dye." Chatterton.

And for those accordyngly, thei ordained a place wher thei ware brought vp, hardly kepte in, and diuersely enstructed accordyng to their giftes of witte and capacitie, vntill thei ware mariage able. At the whiche tyme, she that had beautie and good qualities bothe, found those a sufficient dowrie to purchase her choyse of husbandes.