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Most boys and girls in every community, he thinks, might stop at the Vernacular School, without going on to the Latin; and he has great faith in the capabilities of any vernacular and the culture that may be obtained within it. It appears in Latin among his Opera Didactica collected. He wrote also, he tells us, six little books for "The Vernacular School," under fancy-titles.

These form Part I. of his large Folio, Opera Didactica Omnia, published by him at Amsterdam in 1657; and the passages in that Part which have supplied particulars for the text will be found at columns 3-4, 318, 326,403,442 444,454-459.

That was a trifle in his estimation, compared with the bigger speculations of his Didactica Magna, and still more with his Pansophiae Prodromus or Porta Sapientiae Reserata. A word or two on this last little book: Comenius appears in it as a would-be Lord Bacon, an Austro-Slavic Lord Bacon, a very Austro-Slavic Lord Bacon.

John Amos Comenius, one of the Seniours of the exiled Church of Moravia; and now, upon the request of many, translated into English and published by Samuel Hartlib for the general good of the Nation. This is, in fact, a reproduction in English of the views of Comenius in his Didactica Magna, &c.

Comenius, however, declined the invitation, recommending that the work should be entrusted to some native Swede, but promising to give his advice; and, at the same time , he began to translate into Latin, for the behoof of Sweden and of other countries, a certain Didactica Magna, or treatise on Didactics at large, which he had written in his Bohemian Slavic vernacular nine years before.

Be it understood, however, that the epitome takes account only of those works of Comenius which were written before 1639, without including the mass of his later writings, some of which were to be even more celebrated. The Didactica Magna is perhaps the most pregnant of the early books of Comenius.