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His reply, and the ensuing conversation, are thus reported by Boschini, in curious Italian verse, which, thus translated by Dr. Donaldson, is quoted in Mr. Stirling's Life of Velasquez: "Diego answered thus: 'I saw in Venice The true test of the good and beautiful; First in my judgment, ever stands that school, And Titian first of all Italian men is." "Tizian ze quel die porta la bandiera"

Catherine, No. 635 in the National Gallery, the style of which, notwithstanding the rather Giorgionesque type of the girlish Virgin, shows further advance in a more sweeping breadth and a larger generalisation? The latter, as has already been noted, is signed "Tician." "Tizian und Alfons von Este," Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, Fünfzehnter Band, II. Heft, 1894.

They all made fortunes more or less by cheating their neighbors, and when they were rich they wanted portraits. Some one told them to send for Mr. Tizian or Mr. Wharton, and he made of them all the gentlemen there ever were." Mrs. Dyer frowned a protest against this heresy. "Tizian would have respected his art," said she; "these New York men are making money." "For my part," said Mrs.

"Quilted sleeves" would no doubt be the tailor's term. It is not quite clear whether the single letter is F or T. See Crowe and Cavalcaselle, p. 201. Gronau: Tizian, p. 21. See, however, note on p. 133. La Galleria Crespi. The documents quoted by Signor Venturi show the signature was there in 1640. When in the Martinengo Gallery at Brescia it bore this name.

III. This picture was then at Burleigh House. See La Galleria Crespi, 1900. The Earlier Work of Titian p. 24. Portfolio, October 1897. Tizian, p. 16. Morelli, ii. 57, note. See antea, p. 71. With the exception of the right arm, which Titian has let fall, instead placing it behind the head of the sleeping goddess.