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Updated: August 16, 2024

You are so verree lovelee so awfullee prettee, an' all thot sort o' talk, 'at a dog o' sense mebbe thinks nowt on, tho' he bides it by reason o' his breedin'. An' then I meks him joomp ovver my swagger-cane, an' shek hands, an' beg, an' lie dead, an' a lot o' them tricks as laadies teeaches dogs, though I doan't haud with it mysen, for it's makin' a fool o' a good dog to do such like.

Ve did finish de bones, and vosh down all mid ver good wine excellent! Ve drink de toast a la gloire and we talk of de campaign. Ve drink a la Patrie, and den I tink of la belle France and ma douce amie and he fissel, 'Got safe de king. Ve den drink a l'amitie, and shek hands over dat fire in good frainship dem two hands that might cross de swords in de morning.

You are so verree lovelee so awfullee prettee," an' all thot sort o' talk, 'at a dog o' sense mebbe thinks nowt on, tho' he bides it by reason o' his breedin'. An' then I meks him joomp ovver my swagger-cane, an' shek hands, an' beg, an' lie dead, an' a lot o' them tricks as laadies teeaches dogs, though I doan't haud with it mysen, for it's makin' a fool o' a good dog to do such like.

Veil, sair, in de night de pickets of de two armie get so close, and mix up, dat some shot gets fired, and in one moment all in confusion. I am shake by de shoulder I wake like from dream I heard sharp fusillade my friend cry, 'Fly to your post, it is attack! We exchange one shek of de hand, and I run off to my post. Oh, ciel! it is driven in I see dem fly. Oh, mon desespoir a ce moment-la!

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