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"Me be kind to that fat, pig-stealing, sausage-grinding " snorted the Colonel, but the attorney stopped him with a lifted hand. "Just what I said," exclaimed the attorney. "You are too kind; too considerate; too regardful of his feelings. But would he be so kind and considerate and regardful of your feelings, if he was in your place?"

WOMAN. Nothing of the kind, sir. MYSELF. Cattle-stealing? WOMAN. Oh no, sir! MYSELF. Pig-stealing? WOMAN. No, sir! MYSELF. Duck or hen stealing? WOMAN. Haven't lost a duck or hen since I have been here, sir. MYSELF. Then what secrets can they possibly have?

"This is excellent hearing," said Niafer, "and much better than pig-stealing, and I am glad that the world has had sense enough to appreciate you, Manuel, and you it. And we will have rubies in my coronet, because I always fancied them. Now do you tell me how it all happened, and what I am to be called countess of.

Perhaps he had one drink in him, and perhaps two, or maybe three, but he clicked the gate behind him, and seeing the three men on the veranda, he called out: "Hi, you pig-stealing Kansas soldiers, haven't ye heard the war is over?"

Pig-stealing, by the way, in the mountain country is regarded much as horse-stealing used to be out West. Besides the spear and head knife, the Ilongots, like the Negritos, with whom they have intermarried to a certain extent, use the bow and arrow, and are correspondingly dreaded.