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"I got up an' went to de main entrance, jes' to make de night clerk think I wuz on de job in case he woke up. I looked down de street tow'rd de post-office, an' I seed a man goin' in dar. "'Bless de Lawd! I says to myse'f. 'White people ain' got much to do goin' to de post-office dis time uv night. An' I went on back to de bellboys' bench and stahted in niggerin' it once mo'e." "Niggering it?"

He seed I wuz lookin' at him, an' he jes' went on up an' out uv sight, in a hurry, like." "What time was that?" "Dat wuz twenty-six minutes uv two." "How do you know that? You'd gone back to sleep, hadn't you?" "Yas, suh, a little niggerin'. But, when I woke up dat way widout no reason, I kinder jumped. I wuz afeer'd dat clock might be goin' to jar me ag'in, an' I took a look at it.

In a few months you'll be able to leave school, and I'll advise your father about putting you into something to give you a chance for yourself. Patience, old fellow; you're doing very well. Consider there's your pupil, Uncle Ben." "Oh, yes! That's another big baby to tot round in school when I ain't niggerin' at home."

Dat wuz how I seed de time. It wuz twenty-six minutes uv two." "What did you do then?" "Nothin', boss; jes' went on niggerin' it. Dat is, I went on till de night clerk giv' me a kick on de shins and tole me to take Mistuh Morley's bags up to fo'-twenty-one. I done tole you dat was five minutes arftuh two.