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Updated: August 1, 2024

Enter 3 other Soldiers. They cannot be far before us, I am sure. But for the hedge we might descry them within two muskett shott. Pray God the enemy be not within one musket shott of us behind their hedges; for I am sure I saw an Harquebuse whip ore the way before us but even now. Oh, oh! Enter Pike. Pike. Are you bouncing? Ile no further.

They should have found a difference betwixt the smoake of Tobacco and of a muskett; another manner of noise than dam me & refuse me , which they vomitt dayly. It might have done some of 'em good, for by that meanes they might have prayd heartily once in their lives. Cap. The Whitehall men did good service. Ma. Who? the Collyers?

But I would not willingly swallow their plums; they would rise shrewdly in a man's stomacke. Cap. At the first shott, when the Convertine came in, 3 men were killd. Ma. At the second 4, was't not? Cap. At the third two more: one salutation Came so close that, with the very wind, My hands have almost lost the sense of feeling. Jewell, thou mad'st thy muskett spitt fire bravely. Ma.

And my Devonshire blade, honest Dick Pike, Spard not his Sugar pellets among my Spanyards. Cap. He did like a soldier, as he that chargd his muskett told me: in this service he hath dischargd 70 bulletts. Pike. I did my part, sir, and wish I had bene able to have layd 'em on thicker; but I have lynd somebodyes gutts, much good doe 'em with it; some of them have wishd well to me. Cap. Art hurt?

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