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The old man told us that he was born in Mahim Wood at the time of the festival, and, though a Hindu, had had the name of Mugdooree, that of the saint, bestowed upon him, for a good omen.

The Climate of Bombay treacherous in the cold season The land-wind injurious to health The Air freely admitted into Rooms The Climate of the Red Sea not injurious to Silk dresses Advice to lady-passengers on the subject of dress The Shops of Bombay badly provided Speculations on the site of the City, should the seat of Government be removed hither The Esplanade Exercise of Sailors on Shore and on Ship-board Mock-fight Departure of Sir Henry Fane Visit to a fair in Mahim Wood Prophecy Shrine of Mugdooree Sahib Description of the Fair Visit to the mansion of a Moonshee His Family Crowds of Vehicles returning from the Fair Tanks Festival of the Duwallee Visit to a Parsee Singular ceremony The Women of India impede the advance of improvement They oppose every departure from established rules Effect of Education in Bombay yet superficial Cause of the backwardness of Native Education.

Having a great affection for his native place, he had, as soon as he could command the means, built the house which we now saw, and in which he always resided during the fair, which was called oories, or the Mugdooree Sahib's oories, at Mahim. After sitting some time with the old man, and admiring the effect of the moonlight among the palm-trees, we rose to depart.

The superstitious of all persuasions, the Christians perhaps excepted though many of the Portuguese Christians have little more than the name unite in showing reverence to the shrine of the saint, while Mugdooree Sahib is held quite as much in estimation by the Hindus as by the followers of he own corrupted creed, the Mohammedans of Bombay being by no means orthodox.

The name of the celebrated person thus enshrined was Mugdooree Sahib, a devotee, who added the gift of prophecy to his other high qualifications, and amongst other things has predicted that, when the town shall join the wood, Bombay shall be no more.