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John's church, when all of a sudden I noticed on the horizon a gerbe of resplendent flames. I cried out and dropped my lantern. Mother abbess came to me to learn what had caused my fright, and when she also had seen the meteor she contemplated a long time. I asked, Matouchka, what star is this? She answered this is no star, this is a comet. I asked again what is a comet?

'O no! was the reply. 'My name is Tchitchikof. I am no assessor; I travel on purely private business. 'I see: you have come to buy. How annoying! I've just sold all my honey to those thieves of merchants. 'It is of no consequence. I do not buy honey. 'Indeed! hemp, then? Dear me, and I have next to none. 'Never mind, matouchka, said Tchitchikof. 'My business in these parts is different.

'You appear to have a nice property here, matouchka, said the stranger, by way of opening a conversation. 'How many peasants have you? 'Peasants, batiouchka! At present, about eighty; but these are awful times. This year, we have had a frightful loss of them. Providence have pity on us!

'Who'd buy them, do you think? It's my humour, my whim, to have them. I gain nothing by them how can I? and you gain everything. Cannot you see that? 'Yes but really I don't know what to say. What puzzles me is, that they are dead. 'She hasn't the brains of a bullock, exclaimed Tchitchikof indignantly. 'Listen, matouchka. Pay attention.