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Updated: August 24, 2024

Dooley, "that Lord Char-les Beresford is in our mist, as Hogan says." "An' who th' divvle's he?" asked Mr. Hennessy. "He's a Watherford man," said Mr. Dooley. "I knowed his father well, a markess be thrade, an' a fine man. Char-les wint to sea early; but he's now in th' plastherin' business, cemintin' th' 'liance iv th' United States an' England. I'll thank ye to laugh at me joke, Mr.

'Tis a pa-per I'd like to see. I'd like to know how th' Jook iv Marlbro'd do th' McGovern fight. An' some day Willum Waldorf Asthor'll be able to wurruk f'r his own pa-aper, f'r he's goin' to be a earl or a markess or a jook or somethin' gran'. Ye can't be anny iv these things without money, Hinnissy, an' he has slathers iv it." "Where does he get it?" demanded Mr. Hennessy.

I'll go where I can get something but an argymint f'r me money an' where I won't have to rassle with th' man that bates me carpets, ayether, I says, 'f'r fifty cints overcharge or good govermint, I says. An' I pike off to what Hogan calls th' effete monarchies iv Europe an' no wan walks on me toes, an' ivry man I give a dollar to becomes an acrobat an' I live comfortably an' die a markess!

They haven't been taught f'r hundherds iv years that 'tis a miracle f'r to be an officer an' a disgrace to be a private sojer. They know that if they're kilt they'll have their names printed in th' pa-apers as well as th' Markess iv Doozleberry that's had his eyeglass shot out. But they ain't lookin' f'r notoriety.

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